One Card Login Process 


1. Go to in Google Chrome  

   Username: (school number)-admin Password: (school number)caass  

   For Example: Username: 725-admin     Password: 725caass  

One Card Photo Station Process 


1. Click on “Photostation.



2. Click on “PhotoStation” again below. 




3. The Select Person Tab allows you to search for a student. You will select the school's name and fill out the Criteria. The Criteria field allows you to search for a student's information by Last name, First name or Student ID. (Example: John, Doe or 78972145). You may also type % to populate the table and scroll down to find a student's name as well.  



4.Once a student is selected here you will be able to take a picture of the student with your camera on or you can edit their picture by loading a picture already taken. The file format is very sensitive and will only take StudentID.jpg. (Example: 18923493.jpg). Feel free to play with the options below to get the best-looking picture for the student. The goal is to get a photo of the student Chest Up that best represents the student. When you are done fine tuning the image you want to upload, click on “Save”. If you have a printer connected you may also Print the student's picture by pressing the “Print” button.  



5. Below will show the students information and the history of cards printed.  



Problems & Solutions 


A new student can't be found after searching? 

New students must be populated in Power School for their information to be pulled into CAASS. This usually takes up to a week for the transfer into the CAASS system. If it has been more than a week, notify Technology Customer Services at 

Student’s Personal Information is incorrect how do I change it? 

The information can only be changed in Power School. Technology Services cannot make changes to the data. Power Schools has permission to make changes to the students' information. Their contact information is 336-370-8375.  

Does Technology Services provide Cameras and Lanyards? 

We no longer provide cameras and lanyards.  


Additional Questions or Concerns? 
