One Card Printer Setup Before Printing  


  1. 1.Make sure all ports are inserted correctly and turn on the Printer. The printer should be connected directly via USB in the Laptop or Desktop. It usually takes 150-175 Seconds to warm up.  


  1. 2. You will need the software CAASSAgent to Print ID Cards. Below is what the program looks like. Double Click the application.  

A picture containing text Description automatically generated 

  1. 3. The CAASSAgent must stay open or minimized in the background to be able to Print Cards. At all times this software must be running, or you will not be able to print cards. 

 Graphical user interface, PowerPoint Description automatically generated 

4. Proceed to the next section to begin printing.   

One Card Printing Processes 


1. Go to in Google Chrome  

Username: (school number)-admin Password: (school number)caass  

          For Example: Username: 725-admin        Password: 725caass 


  1. 2. Click the Photo ID tab 


  1. 3. click on ID Card Printing 


  1. 4. First you want to select the correct printer that has been assigned to your school. If you do not have a printer assigned to your school, then Select Prescott Printer. Card Name that corresponds to your type of School in the Red Circle will have a drop-down menu. Currently if you are a non-RFID School you will select “*GCS OneCard Primary 22/23 Color Code – Non-RFID” or “*GCS OneCard Secondary 22/23 Color Code – Non-RFID”. If you are an RFID school, then proceed to the next step and follow the directions under RFID Printing.  

  1.  Next you want to Select your school in the field box named “School” below Circled in Purple.  



Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) Printing 



RFID Cards cannot be punched with a hole. It will permanently damage the One Card.  

Students can only have One RFID at a time. The moment a second RFID Card is printed out the previous RFID Card will automatically be deactivated.  

All RFID Schools use 5000 printers. In order to begin printing RFID Cards you must have the ”CardName” Selected as one of the options in the drop-down menu. 

*GCS OneCard Primary 22/23 Color Code – RFID 

This is for Elementary and Middle Schools. Some specialty schools have primary schooling.  

*GCS OneCard Secondary 22/23 Color Code – RFID  

This is for High Schools, Middle Colleges, and some specialty schools that have upper secondary schooling. This Card Name has the suicide hot line number on the back.  

Once this is selected, you may use your regular printing process to print cards. The system will not print if the wrong type of cards is in the printer and wrong “Card Name” is selected. 


  1. 5. To populate the search menu, enter “%” in the Criteria field. You may search for a student by his/her last name then first name (Example: Doe, John). If unaware of last name, type a comma followed by the student’s first name. You may also search for a student by their Student ID by typing it in the Criteria Field.  


  1. 6. To Select a student, you must check the box by their name. To add multiple students, you will have to select each student via their check box. Once you have checked the box beside a student’s name, click “Add to Queue” Button 

  1. 7. After Clicking on the “Add to Queue” Button the student or students will be added to the printing que at the bottom of the screen.  


8. When Ready you are free to press ”Print Card” that is highlighted in the orange box with the Selected Students by checking their boxes in the print queue. An additional pop-up will appear to confirm your choice of printing  


    9.  Refer to the image above, you can select multiple students using the Boxes above the margins that is highlighted in Green boxes. Selecting this will check all students in the sections. Using this feature, you may select your whole school and click “Add to Queue“to put your entire school in the printing process. You may also use the select all feature to Delete entries in the print queue. Once all the desired entries are selected press the ‘Delete’ button that is highlighted above in the red box.

Problems & Solutions   

I cannot add Students to the print queue that is already there 

You must clear out the print queue before readding that student for reprint. The software does not warn you about it so keep in mind if you need to reprint, simply remove the student from the print queue and add them. 

There are Printers I do not recognize and I did not tell the software to print. 

When selecting your printer for printing please only pick the school you are assigned to, because you may be sending print requests to a location that is not being monitored which means you will lose the cards you printed. In the image above the 9th step, you will see two students going to an Access411 printer. In this example Access 411 is remote printing the cards in the queue. They have full access to do this at any time. Common printer names by them are Access41, Dev DEPOT, and DEPOT 1-6.  

Additional Questions or Concerns? 

Sources of information & Documentation 

Please refer to the links below that provide additional guides and documents all sourced in the One Card FAQ