Printing Tardy Pass / Printing Temporary ID’s 


1. We need to first make sure the citizen printer is set up to print. Click “Configuration”. 



2. Click “Printer”.  



3. Make sure your settings match the following Configuration below.  



4. Choose "Entry Scanning". 



5. Make sure to select the Citizen Printer symbol at the bottom left corner of the screen. 


 6. In the drop down  menu of " Student Entry Mode " Select "Scan Regular".

Alternative : You may Select "Scan Tardy ( Print ) " so you can print all Tardy entries as you scan or manual enter. 

Click the "Set" Button to continue.


 7. Click "Attendance".



8. Click "Mark Entry" .



9. In the Green box " Mark On-Time" Click the check box if the student is on time or not. The Red Box "Print Entry Pass" Click on the check box to Print an Entry/Tardy Pass.


10. Once done click the "Ok" Button. Then the Citizen Printer will print an entry pass. 

Problems & Solutions 

Students Card will not scan 

When a student's One Card does not scan, notify the staff member that handles the One Card system at your school to print a new card as soon as possible.  


Scanner has a short or is not operating correctly. 

Quickly notify Technology Customer Service at 336-370-8179 or [email protected]. Additionally, you may make an Incident ticket at the Help desk in fresh service. 


Scan Station Laptop is malfunctioning or has a cracked screen. 

Any hardware related issues must be made aware of by Technology Customer Service, so we may fix or replace the device. You may notify the department at 336-370-8179, [email protected], and make a Incident Ticket at the Help Desk in Fresh Service. If the device needs to be reimaged or you are given a brand new one, Access411 must be called to install the software. Technology Customer Service will contact Access411, and their technician will come to install the software. Please follow the One Card Ticket Protocol. 


Additional Questions or Concerns? 

Email: [email protected]