Entry, Exit, Event Scanning 


1. Login with the following credentials 

Username: OneCard  
Password: OneC@rd2022 



2. Double-click the CAASS Scan Station icon on your desktop. 




3.When the main menu loads, select Entry Scanning mode or Exit Scanning for when students leave. Users will use Event Scanning mode if students are coming from different schools or for events outside of normal operation hours. Example: Weaver Academy & Learning Hubs. 



4.You may begin Scanning One Cards. 


5.A Successful scan will make a sound that notifies you with information. 



How to manually enter a student who does not have their ID Card


 1. If a student does not have their ID card, select Manual in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. A side menu will appear to allow manual entry of students. 



  1. 2. Search for the student by entering the Last Name, First Name or Student ID Number.

Select the student that you are manually entering, then select Mark Entry at the bottom of the menu. 



  1. 3. A new screen will appear to enter any additional information. Press “OK” when done.  



4. Once “OK” is pressed the students they are added to the system and is displayed below with a confirmation sound.  




Problems & Solutions 

Students Card will not scan 

When a student's One Card does not scan, notify the staff member that handles the One Card system at your school to print a new card as soon as possible.  


Scanner has a short or is not operating correctly. 

Quickly notify Technology Customer Service at 336-370-8179 or [email protected]. Additionally, you may make an Incident ticket at the Help desk in fresh service. 


Scan Station Laptop is malfunctioning or has a cracked screen. 

Any hardware related issues must be made aware of by Technology Customer Service, so we may fix or replace the device. You may notify the department at 336-370-8179, [email protected], and make a Incident Ticket at the Help Desk in Fresh Service. If the device needs to be reimaged or you are given a brand new one, Access411 must be called to install the software. Technology Customer Service will contact Access411, and their technician will come to install the software. Please follow the One Card Ticket Protocol. 


Additional Questions or Concerns?